Harry’s preschool is closed on Friday for Rosh Hashanah, so I’m left with an entire day to fill with my preschooler. I’m not a SAHM, I’m a WAHM, so a whole, unstructured day tends to fill me with a mixture of excitement, dread, and fear. Times like this, I often turn to baking. Lucky me, then, that we’re going to my parents’ for Rosh on Friday night, and dessert is a must at holiday gatherings, so… I volunteered our baking services to make an apple cake.
Problem is, I’ve never made an apple cake before. Applesauce Muffins, yes. Baked Apple Compote, even. But not cake.
Soooo, what’s your favorite recipe? It needs to be dairy-free, since my family’s kosher and you can’t follow a meat meal with a dairy dessert. I’ve got what looks like a delicious recipe, called Jewish Apple Cake, from Joan Nathan’s The Jewish Holiday Kitchen: 250 Recipes from Around the World to Make Your Celebrations Special.It looks an awful lot like Mom’s Apple Cake over at Smitten Kitchen: same ingredients, slightly different proportions. If you, my dear readers, don’t suggest something even more delicious-sounding, I’m going with Joan. She’s never steered me wrong. But this is your chance! Share your favorite recipe with me, and if Harry and I make it I’ll blog (and rave) all over the internets. Come on, you know you want to…