If you’re joining me today via the link in Mommypoppins, welcome!
Parents Need to Eat Too is a cooking class for new parents, specifically intended to help you feed yourselves when there’s a baby in the house. There are four sessions, each of which sends you home with that night’s dinner:
- The New Mom’s Pantry, in which we discuss the staples that make life easier at this crazy time, and prepare a lightning-fast dinner using items from the pantry
- Big Batch Cooking, in which you learn how to cook once and eat multiple times
- The Slow Cooker, in which you learn how to use the new mom’s best friend (and don’t worry if you don’t have one—I’ll teach you how to adapt slow cooker recipes to your oven)
- Nap Time Cooking, in which you learn to break down more complicated recipes into stages, to be completed while junior naps
The next series should start in April, after Passover. I’d hoped to do it in March but my timing got a little screwy (I blame The Cookbook!). The cost is $200 for four sessions, including weekly take-home dinners and approximately 30 additional recipes. Full details, based on the last round of classes, are here.
Interested? Send me your email address via the Contact link above. That’ll get you on the early-bird alert, which goes out before I announce it here. Since space is extremely limited, the class often fills up based on that initial announcement, so it’s a good idea to be in on it!