You may recall that last year around this time, my hamantaschen melted.
This year’s recipe was an improvement on that sorry experience, but it’s the first time I’ve ever used the word “infuriating” to describe cookie dough. I thought this would be a fun project to do with Harry, rolling and filling and whatnot, but the blasted dough was so obstinately sticky, so resolutely soft, that I didn’t want him anywhere near the kitchen while I was working with it. Because we all know I have a bit of a potty mouth.
I tried refrigerating the dough (contradicting the recipe’s instructions, which specifically tell you not to refrigerate). I used ample amounts of flour. And still the dough stuck to everything it touched. Ultimately I rolled it out between sheets of parchment paper, and even with that I had to stop every minute or so to carefully peel the paper away and sprinkle yet more flour. It took forevah to get everything rolled out; I finally slid the last tray into the oven at 10:00 last night. Actually, that’s not true. I have more dough in the fridge.
The remaining dough will not be rolled, I can tell you that much. I’m thinking it might make for a fine thumbprint cookie, where you form little balls and indent each with your thumb then fill that hole with jam. Because for as infuriating as it is, that dough makes a mighty tasty cookie. Plus it’s the prettiest hamantaschen I’ve ever baked, so there’s that.
Got a killer hamantaschen recipe? I’m all ears! Next year is only 364 days away.
ETA: Looks like I should’ve paid more attention to the Times this week. Deb at Smitten Kitchen tried the recipe they printed & was pleased as punch. Considering her previous hamantaschen experiences sound a lot like mine, I may have found next year’s recipe!