Hello, my friends. You may have noticed that I haven’t posted in an entire week; first: OOPS. Second, there’s a reason for this: I’m burrowing underground for a little while.
You see, I spoke to the lovely, wise, helpful, and kind editor of Parents Need to Eat Too last week. (You may recall, I submitted the last chapter at the end of February. And I finally got around to sending in the last, last, last piece, the introduction, two weeks ago.) Together, A and I set a deadline for my revisions: May 2. I’m revising the entire manuscript in just one month, after spending more than a year on the first draft. It’s doable, really; A’s feedback has been both extremely insightful and relatively easy-to-implement. But to make that date, I’m afraid I’ll have to burrow a bit. Which means I may not have much time to blog this month.
So I’m asking for a bit of patience, please. Come May, I’ll be roaring back into full swing. You’ll wait for me, won’t you?
Oh, and one other thing came out of my conversation with A (drum roll): The on-sale date of my book has been set! On January 15, 2012, Parents Need to Eat Too will be available wherever books are sold. Yippee! The official pub date is February 1, but if you pre-order you’ll have it in your hot little hands two weeks sooner. You know I’ll share the pre-order link just as soon as it’s available.