Completely random set of announcements:
- Next month, I’ll be speaking at the BlogHer Food conference, on a panel called “Foodie Mom, Picky Kid.” Sound familiar? My co-panelists include Jenny from Picky Palate, Caroline from Devil & Egg, and Cindy from Fix Me a Snack, all blogs I read regularly and commiserate with, seeing as how we’re all dealing with similar issues. If you relate to Words to Eat By because of your own sweet pea’s eating habits, you’ve now got three more blogs to follow!
- In just two weeks I’ll be moderating a panel at the 2011 ASJA conference (that’s the American Society of Journalists and Authors). It’s called “From the Mundane to the Sublime: Crafting Your Table of Contents.” That’s right, I’m leading a panel on an element of book writing most people never stop to think about. Lucky me, I’ve lined up some amazing speakers, including an executive editor at a major publisher, the head of the book division at a leading agency, and an author who’s published more than 20 books.
- My latest “Can This Dieter Be Saved?” column for Weight Watchers magazine will be on-stands any minute. It’s in the May/June issue, and it’s about how to deal with a friendly-diet-competition-gone-bad.
- Also on-stands imminently: the May Kiwi, for which I wrote the cover story, “Organic on the Cheap.” If I do say so myself, there’s some really useful information packed into that story. The entire issue is devoted to food, so if you’re a parent it’s a don’t-miss.
- Live in Williamsburg? I just checked out the new Foodtown on N. 3rd behind The Bagel Store and it’s surprisingly good! Clean (of course, it’s brand-new), small but well-stocked, and boy are the people who work there friendly. I liked it so much that I didn’t even mind when the check-out girl folded my whole wheat baguette in half to stuff it in my bag. Just happy to have a new option!
- Also for Wburgers: There’s a new stand at the farmers’ market, Bodhi Tree Farm, and it’s a good one. Gorgeous, gorgeous greens, so gorgeous that I nearly wept with delight. Garden of Eve is organic, yes, but I happen to think they’re incredibly overpriced for the quality they offer. It’s nice to have a new option, even if Bodhi Tree isn’t certified organic.