Tomorrow’s Earth Day. Since I became a mom, environmental issues have become exponentially more important to me, both in terms of what goes into our bodies and what we’re doing to leave a, y’know, livable world for our children. Wall-e came out when Harry was a baby, and boy did it speak to me (I admit, it had something to do with how much the little yellow guy reminded me of my inquisitive boy).
In honor of our big ol’ planet, tomorrow I’ll be answering questions about avoiding BPA in food on Moms Rising’s Facebook page. Margie Kelly of Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families will be fielding questions with me. My job is to answer as a food writer and home cook who’s done a lot of research (I’ll be talking a lot about brands and packaging, I imagine), while Margie’s covering the more technical side. I’m really looking forward to hearing her expert advice; I think we’ll all learn a lot.
It’s all happening on Earth Day (Friday, April 22) at 11:30PT/2:30ET. Stop by and find out how to protect yourself and your family!