The Birth of Parents Need to Eat Too

I feel a little narcissistic pointing out an interview with me, but Nona Brooklyn, a very cool site devoted to food in this here boro, did a little Q&A about Parents Need to Eat Too, the class. The title of the piece? “Taming the Madness: Classes to Help New Parents Start Cooking Again.” Love it. Also love the introduction:

There should be a name for it. For what happens when you finally bring your first offspring home from the hospital, and the hormone high that’s had you feeling like you’re floating in golden clouds of baby paradise starts to wear off. That’s when it happens. You crash.

You enter a period of crazed, desperate sleep-deprived madness. It lasts longer than you think it will. And you realize that getting a nice meal on the table is suddenly totally out of the question. Even if you’re an experienced kitchen Jedi, the never-ending roller coaster of laundry, feeding, burping, rocking, changing, and sleeping in 1-hour bursts often makes cooking a real meal seem…impossible.

Yup, Peter Hobbs, the writer and one half of the husband/wife duo behind the site, gets it. He should: The Hobbses have two little ones of their own.

Anyhoosie, if you’ve ever wondered how this whole Parents Need to Eat Too thing came to be, Nona Brooklyn’s got the scoop. And if you’d like more information about the class (which starts next Tuesday!), click on over to Caribou Baby, where I’ll be teaching it.

An aside: Tomorrow I’m off to Atlanta for the BlogHer Food conference, where I’ll be moderating and speaking on a panel called Foodie Mom, Picky Kid. If you’ll be there, too, PLEASE stop by to say hi!