Dear blog,
I’ve been cheating on you. And I’m pretty darned thrilled about it.
- At Motherlode, the New York Times’ parenting blog, I wrote about my frustrations as a food writer with a picky eater. Wait til you see how Ellyn Satter, RD, author of the awesome Child of Mine: Feeding with Love and Good Sense, reframed the issue in a matter of minutes. The comments are fascinating, too. Join the conversation?
- In the November Redbook (the one with Christina Aguilera on the cover), I’ve got a story about women who make a (nice, in some cases very nice) living while working from home. The star of the story: Amber Dusick of Parenting: Illustrated with Crappy Pictures.
- On Talking with My Mouth Full, the wonderful podcast from Leite’s Culinaria, I talk lunchbox tricks with David Leite and Renee Schettler Rossi. Renee dubbed me “The Lunchbox Whisperer.” You’ll have to listen to find out why—it’s only 10 minutes long so go ahead, listen now. And check out the theme song.
- At Feed the Parents, the blog I write for Weight Watchers, I’ve been posting twice a week about things like How to Talk to Your Child About Weight, how to tell if you’re really hungry, and the controversial letter my kid’s teacher sent home.
- Over the next few weeks you’ll find me in two more new places: For Fine Cooking’s December-January issue, I created a handful of recipes for overnight breakfasts. Perfect for busy parents and holiday brunches. And if you’re in the Philadelphia area, here’s some big news: Edible Philly is launching in mid-November, with a piece by yours truly about the one ingredient that solved my piecrust inadequacies.
You’ll always be my first love, even if at times my attention drifts to other websites, other publications.
Yours forever,