Thank god for the internet, that’s all I can say.
This afternoon I got a little stir-crazy—I’m just finishing one of my long-term on-site freelance gigs, which ...
It all started out well enough. Following the recipe for Raspberry Tunnel of Fudge Cake in Chocolate American Style ...
They say we’re going to have a blizzard tonight. I’m so deep underground, scrambling to finish my freelance work, that I doubt it will make much difference to me—except that ...
Here’s a guest entry, written by Stephen, my husband—yes, the famous “S” has asked to be de-anonymized. We had a dinner party last weekend (which I’m planning to ...
As I dip my toe into the pool of life post-surgery, I find that the thing I look forward to most each day is my little perambulation ...
In response to my post about Aztec Hot Chocolate Pudding Cake, I got an email from my mother, with her recipe for the pareve chocolate pudding cake (which ...
If you haven’t noticed, I’m a bit of a sweet freak. Even if it’s just a couple of Teddy Grahams or a 100-calorie pack of ...
If you’re a member of my family, here’s a look at tonight’s dessert:
Tonight is the start of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year. S and I ...
It’s excruciating, waiting. S and I have some practice at it, after so many months of waiting for a positive pregnancy test, but nothing compares to ...
I’m always on the lookout for new dessert recipes that meet certain criteria. They must be decadent-sounding, though not actually dangerous (I continue to hope that ...