A New Meme: Take 5 Tuesdays

Heard about this from Caryn Brown via Twitter, and it seems fun & quick (and I’m feeling guilty about not posting more often, and not doing one of those 25 Things notes on Facebook), so I thought I’d give it a whirl. Every Tuesday she’ll be posting 5 questions. You answer them on your own food blog and post a link in her comments section (she uses one of those automated Mr Linky thingies), and everyone’s answers will be shared. Here goes…

1. what is your favorite food/cooking website?
My top 3: Epicurious, Chow, and Roadfood. Also kinda groovin on a newish site, Foodzie, that’s intended to be an online farmer’s market of sorts.

2. do you prefer to watch cooking shows or read cooking magazines?
Magazines, without a doubt. I used to be addicted to watching shows, but then I realized it made me eat constantly while watching. Now my only food-related TV is The Biggest Loser, and I’m embarrassed to admit I *still* eat my way through it.

3. are you more adventuresome in what you cook or in what you eat?
Cooking. My list of foods that I won’t eat/don’t like is ridiculously long. I should be banished from the food blogging community, really.

4. what is one ingredient that you have always wanted to cook with, but never have?
Bacon. Mmmmm. I’ll eat it, but I just can’t bring myself to cook pig.

5. what is the one thing that you can not cook without?
My trusty Wusthof chef’s knife. That baby’s seen me through 15+ years of chopping, and I expect it’ll witness at least another 15 more.

The rules:
Answer these 5 questions on your blog today and enter your name (or your blog’s name) in the name field here and a permalink (the url for your blog post with the answer to these questions and not just to your main blog page) to your blog post in the url field. thanks for playing, see you next week!