Procrastinate All You Want… (Fast White Beans & Greens Stew)

Procrastinate All You Want… (Fast White Beans & Greens Stew)

…because tonight’s dinner is taken care of!

Check out my guest post over on One Hungry Mama, one of my favorite, favorite, favorite mom-oriented food blogs. Fast White Beans and Greens Stew is ready in as little as 20 minutes. No, I’m not kidding.

Leaves you plenty of time to make Samoa Bars, and that can’t be a bad thing.

And if you’re new here via One Hungry Mama, welcome! Poke around a bit, and if you like what you see I hope you’ll consider subscribing, either via RSS or email. We’ve also got quite a lively little community on Words to Eat By’s Facebook page. Tons of conversation there; come join us!