Mother’s Day Special: Free Signed Bookplates!

Mother’s Day Special: Free Signed Bookplates!
I’ll sign on the dotted line

Wondering what to get the new mom in your life? I’ve got just the thing: HELP. And reassurance that life may be crazy, but it will get back to normal. And really, really good recipes that have been tested by more than 100 moms in the same bewildered boat. Yeah, I know, Parents Need to Eat Too is just a cookbook. But it’s also the light at the end of the tunnel, a buoy for new moms adrift in a sea of sleep deprivation and bodily fluids (ewww), an insert-your-own-overworked-metaphor of a cookbook. And if you send me proof of purchase, I’ll mail out a signed, custom-designed bookplate you can place inside to make it extra-super-duper special.

Know what’ll make Mother’s Day even more over-the-top special? If you make dinner that day. If you’ve never cooked before, try something from the chapter of Un-Recipes, for Partners Who Can’t Cook. That new mom will love you forever, I guarantee. Seriously, she’ll remember this a lot longer than a massage or a flowers. A home-cooked meal that she doesn’t have to cook is significant.

Just click the “contact” button at the top right of the page and send me something showing you’ve bought the book plus, y’know, an address, and I’ll get the bookplate out the same day.