A Healthy Halloween Treat

A Healthy Halloween Treat

easy, healthy popcorn balls made with honey, peanut butter, and dried fruit


All Hallows Eve approacheth, and with it comes a monstrous amount of sugary treats. (See what I did there, “monstrous” for Halloween?) Today at Attune Foods, I share a recipe for a Halloween favorite, reinvented. My version of this classic is super-simple (no candy thermometer needed!) and chock full of nutrients—plus the kids in Harry’s class gobbled them down when I brought a batch of samples to the playground.

Can you guess what it is? The picture up there gives it away, I expect, but if you’re thinking this is anything like the tooth-shattering examples we grew up with, think again. These are chewy, sweet-but-not-too-sweet, and made with just six unrefined, wholesome ingredients.

Click on through to Attune Foods for the recipe!