December snuck up on us, and already it’s Harry Mose’s first holiday season. Tomorrow we head over to my brother’s in north Jersey for the big ...
Today marks a special anniversary, a milestone I’m guessing most people don’t mark: One year ago today, I had surgery. Why is this noteworthy? Because it changed ...
Harry Mose will be eleven weeks old on Tuesday, and we seem to be finding our footing. He’s sleeping better (though I hesitate to type that, since I’m probably jinxing ...
It’s been a while, hasn’t it?
Harry Mose is already almost seven weeks old, and things are just starting to take on something like a sense of normalcy. ...
On Tuesday, August 29, 2006, at 12:15 PM, our boy Harry Mose was born—just a smidge early, but not so early as to be considered premature. He ...
I’m due September 19!
I’ve got so much to say about this (especially about the particular power of a certain husband’s birthday gift), but I’m too pooped ...