Ain’t it pretty? Isabella Snow did a kick-ass job with the new design, and she jumped through about a billion hoops to get everything up and running. Feel free to poke around, kick the tires—and be sure to alert me in Comments if you see anything funky. There could be a hidden glitch or two, but if you don’t tell me I may never find it.
As part of the redesign, several things have changed:
- Four handy buttons have been added on the top right, for Feedburner, Twitter, Facebook, and subscriptions.
- Even if you’re not on Twitter, you’ll be able to see my most recent tweets in the far-right sidebar.
- There are categories listed in the sidebar! These are based on the labels I assign to each post (things like baking, snack, and Parents Need to Eat, Too) .
- If you’d rather browse recipes by course, there’s a Recipe Index button on the top menu.
- There’ll be no more “continue reading” button breaking up my posts—the home page may run a little long, but you’ll be able to read entire posts without a click.
- Each post now has a “share/save” that gives you a bajillion different ways to hang on to a recipe you’d like to try.
One sad development came from switching my Comments back to Blogger: Five years of Haloscan-based comments no longer appear on the blog. So, for example, the lively discussion attached to the Best Chocolate Chip Cookie in the Entire World, ongoing for four years (as much about my casual use of the F-word at the end of the post as how great those cookies are): Gone. Poof. Into thin air. I’m pretty sure I can still see the comments if I log on to Haloscan, but nobody else can. Sigh. What does this mean? You must start leaving comments, now! Old posts, new posts, comment away. I’ve come across a good deal of spam comments in my older posts, and I’ll be eliminating them as quickly as I can—silly old Blogger only allows me to delete them individually, so it’s taking forevah. But I’m on it.
So that’s it. Words to Eat By is new and improved. Welcome. And I’d love to hear what you think.