Tonight’s haul from Local Roots NYC:
- A large bunch of unbelievably beautiful red amaranth (aka Chinese spinach)
- A large bunch of curly kale
- Enough green radicchio for several salads
- A bouquet of purple basil so pretty I want to walk down the aisle carrying it
- Golf-ball-sized radishes, perfect for these outrageous-looking Cinnamon Sugar Radish Chips
- Two quarts of cherries so large and juicy Harry can barely fit one in his mouth
Inspired by the CSA’s suggestion that red amaranth is great in soups, I tossed some into a pot of Overnight Chicken Soup along with chicken potstickers and noodles. The soup turned pink! Harry was thrilled. He, naturally, only ate the soup and the noodles. I topped Stephen’s and my bowls with chopped scallions, a drizzle of sesame oil, and a shot of sriracha. Fabulous dinner in under 15 minutes.
OK, so maybe Stephen and I got a little overheated, eating steaming-hot bowls of soup in July. It was totally worth it, every drippy-nosed second.
Holy crap, I love my CSA. Local Roots has completely restored my faith in the whole idea.