Well lookie here! Just before dinnertime last night, the doorbell rang. There stood Wayne, our UPS guy, with a most welcome package: the custom-made bookplates and holiday cards I ordered ...
Have I mentioned that I married a freak? That’s right: My husband, who’ll eat approximately one blazillion more out-there foods than I will (seriously, he’ll eat just about anything, while ...
Did you ever have one of those dreams, where you’re up on a stage, naked, ...
Still looking for that perfect dish to bring to Aunt Edith’s? Look no further—you’ll ...
This is just not possible. Seriously, Rosh Hashanah starts on Wednesday night? How did we get so far into the year? I dealt with the fact that ...
No time to write a full-fledged review (though I plan to next week, after I return from BlogHer Food), but today is the on-sale date for ...
Good morning, friends. Tomorrow is Easter, and if you’ve been reading here longer than, oh, 24 hours, you know it’s not my holiday. It is, however, my husband’s holiday, and ...
There are about a thousand things I’m supposed to be doing right now, so I’ll keep this short and sweet: Go make this. It’s magic. It ...
Have you heard about this ludicrous bribe-the-bloggers campaign dreamed up by a flack for that famous faux stuffing mix? I won’t be using the brand name since I don’t want ...
It starts tonight: My favorite Jewish holiday for two or three days, which turns into my least-favorite Jewish holiday around Day Four, when I can’t bear the ...