OK, that picture isnât quite accurate. Thatâs a picture of a chicken roasted the old-fashioned way, in the oven. But people like to look at pretty ...
Lately Iâve been thinking a lot about parenthood. The challenges of it, the responsibilities that come with it, and the rewards that make me forget all ...
Stephen hates fish. Heâll eat seafoodâshrimp and lobster rolls, mainlyâbut since I grew up kosher thatâs not in my vernacular and I have no interest in ...
I hate Passover (funny, I said the exact same thing last year). Not only do I get sick of matzo almost immediately, I have a ...
As part of my Olympian preparations for Wednesdayâs torture (leading up to Thursdayâs entirely different torture), I made a big pot of chicken soup ...
There are some days, especially at this time of year, when you just have too many apples. So what do you do? You make this simple, ...
Right now Iâm reading The Making of a Chef: Mastering Heat at the Culinary Institute ...
S has been having a hard time recentlyâthe family emergency I mentioned last week was his, and it continuesâso I wanted to do something ...
After yet another disappointing Saturday morning at Weight Watchers (I stayed the same, even though last Sundayâs dinner at The Queenâs Hideaway was my ...
So Iâm sick. I caught the sore throat/cough/cold bug thatâs been going aroundâS had it last week and I thought I’d dodged the bullet once he ...