Lately I’ve been so busy with freelance work that I haven’t had the time—or the inclination—to do much cooking (or blogging, for that matter, for which ...
Last night I was poking around on Chowhound’s home cooking message board and came across a lively discussion of baked brown rice. Baking my brown ...
Don’t know ‘bout you, but here in lovely Brooklyn we’re snowed in. It started around 11:30 this morning and it’s been quietly blanketing us all day—they ...
18:30 Friday January 7, 2005.
It’s been dark for nearly two hours already. S and I are just back from the Laundromat (oh, for a washer and ...
The night before I went back to Weight Watchers, S and I cooked together. Although I do the majority of the cooking around here (and he ...
I love this time of year, always have, and since I met S I’ve been enjoying it even more. You see, I have a confession to ...
What the hell is this? I saw it at the farmer’s market the other day. Something about its swirling chartreuse peaks, like a cross between a science ...
I had a difficult relationship with my grandfather. He died when I was a senior in high school, so some of it may have been simple ...
When I have plenty of eggplant on hand and a few hours before dinner, this is one of my favorite things to make. The original model ...
There’s a small, but pretty good, farmer’s market on Saturdays in a scruffy park near my apartment, and now that the weather’s turned so has the produce. Last weekend I ...