As part of my Olympian preparations for Wednesday’s torture (leading up to Thursday’s entirely different torture), I made a big pot of chicken soup ...
For the last month or so, our neighborhood’s been watching with giddy anticipation as a new natural foods market was built next to the subway exit. ...
Right now I’m reading The Making of a Chef: Mastering Heat at the Culinary Institute ...
Lately I’ve been struggling with a certain ennui regarding the overwhelming abundance of tomatoes at the farmer’s market. On the one hand, I feel I should be sampling every variety, ...
And now, it’s time for another installment from my husband and guest writer, S:
As I wrote in my prior guest appearance, I was ...
S has been having a hard time recently—the family emergency I mentioned last week was his, and it continues—so I wanted to do something ...
Just because we had some chicken the other night, it doesn’t mean I’ve lost interest in having all-veg dinners whenever possible. And as long ...
Yesterday was Day 3 of A Week of Vegetables. (I didn’t write about Day 2 because it consisted largely of leftovers from Day 1. ...
After yet another disappointing Saturday morning at Weight Watchers (I stayed the same, even though last Sunday’s dinner at The Queen’s Hideaway was my ...
I actually read Frank Bruni’s review today–most Wednesdays I give up around the third paragraph, once I’ve confirmed yet again that he’s still.trying.too.hard. Reading the ...