So I’m sick. I caught the sore throat/cough/cold bug that’s been going around—S had it last week and I thought I’d dodged the bullet once he ...
There are still so many gorgeous strawberries at the farmer’s market, I find it nearly impossible to avoid buying them by the armload. On Friday I ...
After the success of the strawberry-rhubarb compote that went with last week’s chocolate polenta cake, I simply had to buy more of both items ...
One of the greatest perks of working in book publishing is the longstanding practice of “Summer Friday”: Monday through Thursday, working hours are extended until 5:45, ...
I’m always on the lookout for new dessert recipes that meet certain criteria. They must be decadent-sounding, though not actually dangerous (I continue to hope that ...
Mention frozen grapes in any Weight Watchers meeting and listen to the sighs of remembered pleasure. In my meeting a few weeks ago, one member claimed ...
It happened again.
At the supermarket the other day, there were lovely, aromatic pineapples on display. Good price, too. I selected carefully, sniffing the bottoms as I’d ...
Yesterday S and I got a little stir-crazy, what with the blizzard and all. We piled on our snow gear and trekked over to Bedford Avenue, the ...
Sugar High Friday was a bit of a challenge for me this month. I returned to Weight Watchers two weeks ago, and after last week’s ...
These didn’t start out as Birthday Muffins. Yesterday morning, when I found myself staring at a buttload of fast-ripening bananas, getting hungry for something mildly sweet ...